2020年09月14日  |  来源:清华大学战略与安全研究中心/Baku Dialogues  |  阅读量:8890

Due to the high level of importance placed on the issue by the heads of state of both countries, Sino‑Azerbaijani relations have now moved into practical cooperation on many different sectors, achieving rapid high‑quality growth. Azerbaijan’s diplomats in China have participated in many expositions across China and worked hard to help firms in both countries find opportunities for cooperation. In November 2018, at the first International Import Expo held in Shanghai, 32 firms from Azerbaijan participated, bringing over 200 products. According to Azerbaijan’s State Customs Committee, in the first half of 2019, Sino‑Azerbaijani trade reached $1.27 billion. China has become Azerbaijan’s fourth largest trading partner, third largest export partner, and fourth largest import partner. While deepening commercial ties, both sides are also promoting cultural exchanges: for instance, Azerbaijan has further simplified its electronic visa procedures, and launched direct flights to Beijing. Chinese tourism to Azerbaijan is growing steadily.

As a keystone transportation link between Europe and Asia, Azerbaijan places great importance on its regional advantage, trying to create a transportation corridor that spans multiple regions, with both east‑west and north‑south links. The Baku‑Tbilisi‑Kars railroad that was inaugurated in October 2017 has great significance for the full implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative in the region. It can greatly expedite travel times for Chinese goods reaching Azerbaijan through Central Asia to make its way onto Europe, and reduced transportation costs will benefit all.

A new international port under construction 70 kilometers from Baku will be a very modernized transportation hub that can annually handle 25 million tons of Caspian Sea trade. A 120‑acre free trade zone is also under construction in the port, providing tax‑free commerce, streamlined approval processes, and other measures to attract international investors. So far this port has signed memoranda of understanding with China’s Jiangsu Lianyungang Port Corporation and China Cosco Container Lines Corporation. We believe that more and more international firms, especially Chinese firms, will make investments in this new port.

Azerbaijan has always had high praise and extended a warm welcome for Chinese firms that invest in the country.

Azerbaijan has always had high praise and extended a warm welcome for Chinese firms that invest in the country, recognizing their participation in many industries and facilitating the completion of projects in accordance with contracts. In September 2019, during a meeting with the visiting Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Li Zhanshu, Aliyev said that both sides have achieved good results in the advancement of cooperation in the energy, transportation, and cultural sectors. Both sides also confirmed that Azerbaijan’s success in completing modern infrastructure capable of transporting Chinese goods to international markets is a successful example of cooperation in the field of transportation.

The World Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Competitiveness Report ranked Azerbaijan 31st in transportation infrastructure, 11th in efficiency of train services, 12th in airport connectivity, 25th in efficiency of seaport services, and 27th in quality of road infrastructure. These impressive results show that Azerbaijan’s business environment and international cooperation is constantly improving. We believe that, as Azerbaijan’s investment, business, and legal environment continues to improve, Sino‑Azerbaijani cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative will grow even further.

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