2024年,上海原油期货价格与境外市场高度联动,有效反映区域供需基本面变化特点, 市场参与者结构日益完善,服务油气产业范围持续扩大。日前,上期能源发布了《2025上海原油期货和期权市场发展报告》、《2025石油市场概览》等原油相关资料,详细报告请扫二维码。
In 2024, the price of Shanghai crude oil futures was highly correlated with overseas markets, effectively reflecting the changes in the regional supply and demand fundamentals. The market participant structure of Shanghai crude oil futures has been progressively improved, and the scope of its service to the oil and gas industry has continued to expand. Recently, INE published several crude oil related materials,such as the2025 Development Report of Shanghai Crude Oil Futuresand Options Market,and China’s Oil Market in 2025. For the detailed reports, please scan the QR codes.