Xing Liju:China and the US Should Maintain and Strengthen People-to-People Exchanges
26 Apr., 2021  |  Source:China International Studies  |  Hits:2027

China-US strategic competition has intensified in recent years, and anti-China forces in the US have preached the “clash of civilizations” thesis and launched an ideological containment against China. They have also set up barriers to people-to-people exchanges between the two countries in an attempt to constitute a decoupling. Such actions have undermined the normal people-to-people exchanges between the two sides, aggravated bilateral relations, and made the two peoples perceive each other more negatively. In the face of US provocations, China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the restrictions imposed by American anti-China forces on bilateral people-to-people exchanges. Meanwhile, China will maintain its strategic focus, and, under the guidance of the Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, continue to promote normal people-to-people exchanges between the two countries and strive to develop China-US relations featuring coordination, cooperation and stability.

The US Obstructs and Undermines People-to-People Exchanges with China

Motives behind the US Inciting Clash of Civilizations and Suppressing China-US People-to-People Exchanges

Preparing for the containment of China by inciting a clash of civilizations

Rebuilding America's cultural confidence by stirring up ideological disputes

Cultivating anti-Chinese sentiment and shifting domestic conflicts by exaggerating threat of people-to-people exchanges

China and the US Should Follow the Trend of the Times and Strengthen People-to-People Exchanges and Mutual Learning


The world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Zerosum game, conflict and confrontation go against the trend of our times and the fundamental interests of all peoples. The US policy toward China exaggerates the “clash of civilizations” thesis and interferes with people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. This is because the US fears that the rise of China would bring down its hegemony and make its culture and ideology no longer attractive. However, the world should not be dominated by one country, one culture or one civilization. Different countries, cultures and civilizations should treat each other equally, respect and learn from each other, and develop together. China is the world’s largest developing country. The United States is the world’s largest developed country. As the top two economies in the world, the two countries must shoulder their historic responsibilities for the fundamental interests of the two peoples and the people of the world, and forge ahead toward a new model of major-country relations. China and the United States can only benefit from cooperation and lose from confrontation. The two countries should work together toward a bilateral relationship featuring no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, and jointly propel bilateral relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability. China and the United States should strengthen people-to-people exchanges and dialogues among civilizations, and learn from each other to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation, thereby promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

(Xing Liju is Professor at the Institute of International Studies and Research Fellow at the Center for People-to-People Exchange Studies, Fudan University)