China's Foreign Ministry Briefs Media on President Xi's Upcoming Visit to Russia
30 May, 2019  |  Source:CGTN   |  Hits:2441

Chinese President Xi Jinping will embark on a state visit to Russia and participate in the 23rd St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), said Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Hanhui at a foreign ministry news briefing on Thursday.

According to the ministry, President Xi will visit Russia from June 5-7 and attend the forum at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This year, which celebrates the 70th anniversary of China-Russia diplomatic ties, is indeed the important year for the bilateral relations, Zhang said, adding that "President Xi's coming visit will be another milestone in the bilateral relations."

The international landscape is now facing changes unseen in the past centuries, which is posing a severe challenge to the basic norms governing international relations, hotspot issues flare up in different parts of the world, the human society is facing increasing challenges and threats, against this backdrop, China-Russia relationship has enjoyed a sound momentum, Zhang noted.

"The two sides enjoy ever more solid mutual trust and give each other strong support on issues concerning respect co-interests and major concern."

Hailed the cooperation between the two sides, Zhang briefed that China-Russia two-way trade has surpassed 100 billion U.S. dollars, heating up a record high.

The two sides are making solid progress in cooperation on such strategic projects as energy, aerospace, aviation and connectivity, and cooperation in agriculture, finance, science and technology, and many other emerging areas is also booming, Zhang told reporters.

"Cooperation has shown strong internal growth and is heading to a promising future."

During the visit, President Xi and President Putin will attend state events together, such as assembly celebrating the 70th anniversary of China-Russia relations and a number of people-to-people and cultural activities, Zhang said.

"They will sign two important political documents and witness the signing of multiple cooperation documents," add the vice-minister.

(Cover: China's Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Hanhui briefs media on President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Russia in Beijing, May 30, 2019. /Photo via