The 1st YIEPLM was Launched in Qinghai Province.
30 Jul, 2018  |  Source:Fudan SIRPA  |  Hits:4715
Keywords: 2018.7.29Qinghai

The First Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program on Lantsang-Mekong Region(YIEPLM) was launched on July 29th, Qinghai Province, China. Based on the Youth Innovation Competition on Lantsang-Mekong Region's Governance and Development (YICMG), this program invited top project teams of the past final competitions from 6 countries and 8 universities with a total of 35 students. By reporting their service for public interest or business startups, the program is capable of managing the progress of different projects. In addition, experts and entrepreneurs are available to provide adapted innovation training and business service to these teams, advancing the region’s governance and development among the young talents.