The Opening Ceremony of the Talent Fostering Course for B&R Held in Beijing
21 Sep, 2017  |  Source:SOHU News  |  Hits:4860
Keywords: 2017.9.19Beijing

The opening ceremony of the Talent Fostering Course for"The Belt and Road"was held in Beijing on September 19th. 122 students from 23 countries and regions along"The Belt and Road" attended the ceremony. The course is organized jointly by Tsinghua University, Fudan University and Huaqiao University and receives its financial aid from the Special Fund for the Talent Fostering for"The Belt and Road". This fund was established by the donation of Chen Jianghe Foundation to the Chinese Language Education Foundation on March, 2016, with the sum of 100 million Yuan, used exclusively for training the talents from China and countries along"The Belt and Road"in the next 10 years. By providing support to training program, exchange and field trip, the fund aims to promote a deeper understanding of the ongoing process of"The Belt and Road" among the related countries, paving the way for further collaboration.