2020年10月14日  |  来源:全球财富管理论坛  |  阅读量:7670







Distinguished guests, partners and friends, good morning!

First, let me extend my thanks to Chairman Lou Jiwei for inviting me to speak today.

It is a welcome change to be able to speak to a live audience and not only a computer screen. Although not everyone is physically here today, the fact that many of us can now gather in person is a sign that life in China is getting back to normal.

My hope is every nation and economy around the world will soon beat COVID19. I also wish we can all come out of this pandemic a little stronger and a little wiser than before.

The unfortunate truth is the near-term economic outlook remains firmly on the downside. Many hope for a V-shape recovery in 2021 but we should not count on it at this stage.

On the bright side, financial markets have largely remained calm since March, and many countries continue to enjoy low borrowing costs. This is also due to the unprecedented monetary easing in developed economies, spilling over into Asia.

But not all countries are so lucky, and some are still cut off from market access to fund their recoveries. It is these vulnerable economies which will have to depend on the international community for support so they can participate in the eventual economic recovery and not risk falling further behind.

To date, the combined commitments of the multilateral development banks to fund the COVID19 recovery has been estimated at close to USD94 billion. Multilateralism has played a significant role at this crucial moment, despite the naysayers who push for more protectionist and closed economic systems. The COVID19 pandemic has reinforced our conviction that international cooperation is key to addressing global challenges.

AIIB was always envisaged to be a multilateral development bank (MDB) that would incorporate the learnings and experience of other MDBs that came before without becoming an exact clone.

AIIB has cooperated with the Bretton Woods MDBs and build on what they have achieved in areas of governance, environmental and social standards and sustainable investments. 

AIIB was founded on the values of Lean, Clean and Green. These underpin our commitment to operating with a strong management approach that reduces waste and inefficiency, has zero tolerance for corruption and unethical behaviors and promotes a green economy and climate resilient investments.

Our Bank was founded to finance infrastructure development. However, it’s wrong to regard Asia’s infrastructure gap simply as a financing gap. Therefore, the gap cannot be solved by just ramping up financing. Projects need to be of high quality in governance, in sustainability, in design and implementation.

AIIB’s mandate is financing infrastructure and other productive sectors. The Bank is agile, adaptive and responsive. When it became apparent COVID19 pandemic was wreaking havoc with the global economy and taking a toll of the people’s lives, we lost no time in stepping beyond the parameters of our regular business. We have provided financing to the client governments to help them contain the pandemic and address needs in healthcare sector. China is the first country we worked with for that purpose.

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分类: 全球治理 2020